Customer Success Story

Multinational Insurance and Finance Corporation

Read Time: 6 minutes


Today’s global organizations face an unprecedented need to accelerate the adoption of digital technology to provide customers with instant access to resources and information. Companies that are doing business across multiple countries and in various time zones must embrace technologies that allow them to deliver a unified customer experience, enhance collaboration, and improve business efficiencies.

AIG, one of the world’s largest insurance organizations with offices in over 80 countries, has long been struggling with manual scheduling processes. Consultants were not able to keep up with growing demand, and customers were often left waiting for appointments. Manual processes not only jeopardized customer experience but also compromised sensitive customer data by increasing its vulnerability to cyberattacks.


In an effort to improve customer experience, staff productivity, and data security, AIG has implemented SUMO Scheduler. SUMO Scheduler is a powerful online appointment scheduling software that automates record creation and maximizes performance. With the state-of-the-art interface, SUMO introduced a 360-degree view of every appointment booked which offered visibility into the entire scheduling process.

Additionally, SUMO’s Email and Invite Feature gave admins the power to send personalized email invites that took the guesswork out of the scheduling process. Upon receiving an invite, students simply clicked their personal link inside the email to choose a time, and the meeting automatically appeared on everyone’s calendar. SUMO’s automated process streamlined the scheduling and freed up coordinators’ time, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

SUMO’s state-of-the-art multi-calendar became AIG’s central hub of information. With features such as color-coding, drag-and-drop rescheduling, room availability, no-show indicators, and proximity search, the unified calendar allowed AGI consultants to gain complete control over their scheduling process almost immediately.

Furthermore, the automated process of sending personalized appointment invites through the Invite Manager Module significantly reduced the amount of time needed to schedule private appointments. This allowed consultants to focus on servicing customers without having to worry about scheduling accuracy and data safety.


One of the main goals for AIG was to improve consultant productivity and increase appointment bookings. SUMO’s powerful automation features helped AIG’s consultants quickly and easily schedule appointments without having to worry about record creation and other complex tasks. SUMO Scheduler’s intuitive design and seamless implementation resulted in a quick adoption by the vast majority of AIG’s teams. SUMO has now become an indispensable tool for the insurance agency, helping to increase sales and improve consultant productivity.

Looking ahead, AGI is excited to see how SUMO’s other features will help them improve productivity and increase sales. The SUMO team is constantly innovating and expanding the capabilities of SUMO Scheduler. Recent updates include the edition of Analytics Builder, a powerful platform for creating unlimited reports to track staff utilization, appointment volume, no-shows, reminder engine success, and more. It’s no surprise that SUMO Scheduler is the leading choice for online appointment scheduling software by insurance organizations worldwide.


Financial Services

Team Size:

1000+ employees


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